
John Pettitt holding the “Ryder Cup” 1985


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Los Angeles, California

Assigned a truck at last on Friday evening but will have to wait till tomorrow morning for the trailer as it is en route from South Carolina. At last, it is now for real as I eased out of Oklahoma City with the rain coming down and wishing for electric wipers. These trucks are still fitted with an air/wiper system and don’t seem to be able to make up their mind whether to work or not. Still this is a minor problem and anyway the rain soon stops and the sun takes over. My truck is an old Flat Top freightliner with a 315 bhp CAT Diesel that does not pull very well but is extremely fast. It has to be, because I have a delivery in Montebello, California, which is a suburb of Los Angeles on Monday morning at 0700 hrs.

1342 miles in two days is a daunting prospect but as the speed limit is 75 miles an hour should not present too much of a problem. I managed to cover 630 miles in 9.45 hrs. Made California on Sunday evening and stopped at the Truck Stop situated in Ontario. CA. Lucky for me I managed to find a slot, which was most unusual so late at night. No problem delivering in the morning. All the talk about the Los Angeles Rush Hour Traffic proved to be nonsense. They obviously have not tried to get into London in the morning.


Just delivered my first load in Montebello, Los Angeles. CA.

I dropped and hooked under a load at Ontario CA from the Home Depot Central warehouse. This was destined for Eugene and Salem in Oregon. Nice load I thought but the drive up through Bakersfield and Sacramento was pretty boring. As I crossed the state Line into Oregon the scenery just suddenly changed for the better. Oregon is a very pretty State with many lovely trees. I delivered Eugene at 0700 hrs, Salem at 1000 hrs. Waited two hours for my next load instructions. Collected 24 pallets from a local pallet yard in Salem, then round to Americold in Salem for loading.

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